January 23, 2024
Celery, Cucumber and Lime Juice
Just lately I have made the leap from the safe and reliable Carrot, Apple & Ginger, to trying more green contents in my morning juice fest. One of my yoga pals had been urging me to do it for a while, so I gave it a go, and I have found that this mix works really well for a beginner of green juicing.
1/4 cucumber
3 celery stalks
1 gala apple
1 inch ginger
juice of half a lime (I squeeze this separately and add at the end)
Put everything through the juicer, except the lime (or lemon variation).
If you feel you need a bit more sweetness you can also add a handful of red grapes, I have also tried this with half a lemon instead of the lime and it was equally delicious. Enjoy.
About the Author: Jacquie O'Neill is the author and illustrator of the children's yoga book Budabebe. She is a full time illustrator, trainee yoga teacher and Mum to 4 daughters, who has a passion for wholesome health & nutrition.