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Spring Mint Pea Puree Hors d’Oeuvres (Vegan and GF)
Serves about 6-8 Ingredients: 2 cups fresh spring peas or 16 oz. frozen organic petite peas 4 sprigs organic fresh mint 1 clove garlic, minced 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil ½ tsp sea s...

Last-Minute Thanksgiving Appetizer and Side Dish Recipes
Do you have to bring a side dish for Thanksgiving? Did you put off picking out your recipe until the last minute? If you're still searching for something fun (and healthy) to bring to Thanksgiving ...

There is something fun about eating al fresco on warm summer days. However, it might be a challenge to come up with foods that are delicious, healthy and easy to transport. If you're looking for in...

Creative Apple Recipes to Make This Fall
October is National Apple Month. Not only do they taste great, but apples are also praised for their numerous health benefits. When cooking or baking with apples, we tend to think of using them in ...

Buffalo Chicken Stuffed Mushrooms
Substitute chicken wings for these buffalo chicken stuffed mushrooms! They make perfect appetizers for game day, tailgating and dinner parties. Ingredients 16 oz. button or baby bella (crimini) ...
Easy, No Cooking Required Summer Recipes
Summer days are meant for having fun, not slaving over a warm stove. When it’s just too hot to cook, try a recipe that doesn’t involve turning on the stove. We aren’t talking about a bowl of cereal...

Easter is just a hop, skip and jump away! To help you celebrate and eat smart, we rounded up some of our favorite festive brunch recipes. Whether you want healthier breakfast treats, main courses ...

Did you know February is Heart Health Month? Here at EatSmart, we are dedicated to bettering the lives of our customers through encouraging a healthy lifestyle. We encourage our readers to learn ...

Heart Healthy Honey Basil Fruit Salad
Here at EatSmart, we're continuing to celebrate Heart Health Month with another nutritious recipe! This week, we are featuring a Honey Basil Fruit Salad, which blends together 3 healthy fruits with...

When you hear the word "fried" in a recipe title, you automatically assume you are in for an unhealthy dish. With this Very Veggie Fried Rice, you get a lighter version of a Chinese food favorite!...

Healthy Recipes to take to the Sunday Funday Football Party
It’s football season again! With game day comes tailgates and Sunday fundays, along with plenty of tasty snacks. From chicken wings, pizza and cheesy dips, these typical party foods aren’t exactly ...

Pomegranate season is here. Prime pomegranate season typically runs from October to January, so pomegranates are ripe for football season. This makes avocado pomegranate guacamole dip the perfect...

Fall isn't far off which means hearty soups, apple crisps and other seasonal recipes are on the horizon. Add this healthy, vegetarian Butternut Squash Risotto recipe to your fall menu. Ingredients ...

Most store bought crackers can contain preservatives and ingredients you can't even pronounce. Snack smart with this Pizza Cracker recipe from Super Healthy Kids. Ingredients 1/2 cup – Rice flo...

Herby Coconut and Sausage Fried Rice
Ingredients RICE 1.5 Cups Rice 3 Sausages 1 Onion (died very small) 1 Carrot (diced very small) 1 Stick Celery (diced very small) 3 Cloves Garlic (minced) 1 Cup Chopped Cauliflower 2 Eggs 1/4 Cup ...

This is the perfect summery dish. Ingredients 1 Cup chopped red onion 1 1/2 Cucumbers, diced (approx. 4 Cups) 2 red bell peppers (approx. 2-3 Cups) 1 Cup roughly chopped cilantro 2 Tablespoons oliv...