Strawberry Chia Pudding
A healthy treat enjoyed alone, or topped on your favorite yogurt, fresh fruit, or warm oatmeal! Ingredients (Serves: 4) 300 grams strawberries, roughly cut up. (300 grams = about 1½ cups) 3 oz almond milk 10 whole dried figs ½ tsp cinnam...
How to Make Your Own Green Smoothie
After indulging in the holidays, it's a great time to eat lighter and detox your body. If you are...
15 Delicious Non-Meat Foods You Need to Grill This Summer
When we think of grilling, meat is generally the first item that comes to mind. Did you know ther...
Grilled Pasta and Vegetables
Grilled Pasta? Since you can grill just about anything- why not pasta? This recipe uses fresh pas...
Easy, No Cooking Required Summer Recipes
Summer days are meant for having fun, not slaving over a warm stove. When it’s just too hot to co...
Quick and Easy One-Pot Recipes
Cooking dinner sounds less intimidating if you only have one dish to clean up afterwards. That's ...
Slow-Cooker Curried Vegetable Lentil Soup
They say March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb and that seems to be the case in 201...
5-Minute Lentil Tomato Salad
Did you know February is Heart Health Month? Here at EatSmart, we are dedicated to bettering the...
Heart Healthy Honey Basil Fruit Salad
Here at EatSmart, we're continuing to celebrate Heart Health Month with another nutritious recipe...
Baked Kale Chips
The weekend is here and if you're in the mood to "veg-out" and hang on the couch, why not do with...
Very Veggie Fried Rice
When you hear the word "fried" in a recipe title, you automatically assume you are in for an unhe...
Healthy Chili Recipe Round-Up
Do you love to warm up with a delicious bowl of chili? More than just comfort food, chili can be ...
Black Bean & Quinoa Veggie Burgers
Tired of spending a lot on frozen veggie burgers? This recipe is for you - delicious and easy on...