

An Added Benefit to Slathering on the Sunscreen

An Added Benefit to Slathering on the Sunscreen
sunscreenWhile millions of people use sunscreen to protect themselves and their children from sunburn and developing skin cancer, researchers from Australia now have scientific evidence that daily use of sunscreen seems to protect against skin aging. Middle age isn't too late to start, the researchers found. "This has been one of those beauty tips you often hear quoted, but for the first time we can back it with science," said study co-author Adele Green, lab head and senior research fellow with the Queensland Institute of Medical Research at Royal Brisbane Hospital. "Protecting yourself from skin cancer by using sunscreen regularly has the added bonus of keeping you looking younger." This new study examined 903 individuals, aged 55 and younger, with the purpose of determining whether people who use sunscreen products, on a daily basis, show signs of aging more slowly than those who only applied the products discretionally. Results show that after 4.5 years, those assigned to slather on a broad spectrum sunscreen, with an SPF 15 or greater, at least once a day saw 24% less skin aging — at least on the back of their hands — than those left to follow any sunscreen habits they liked. The findings appear in the June 4 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine. Scientists are hopeful that the bonus cosmetic benefits of younger looking skin will encourage even the most lax of sunscreen users to SLATHER UP!


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