

Charity of the Month September 2014-Kula for Karma

Charity of the Month September 2014-Kula for Karma
EatSmart fans will continue to select a Charity of the Month in 2014. Fans will submit short stories about the charity’s mission and why it’s meaningful to them. We began our Charity of the Month donations in 2011. Kula for Karma is a nonprofit organization which began in 2007. They pioneer the integration of therapeutic yoga, meditation and stress management into mainstream medicine and healthcare. They offer programs, at no cost, to populations that face physical and mental health challenges. They currently run 40 weekly programs per year within the following communities:
  • Cancer Patients
  • Combat Veterans
  • Children with Special Needs
  • Drug & Alcohol Rehab
  • Victims of Domestic Violence
  • Seniors with Cognitive Impairments or Medical Conditions
kula for karma The perseverance of Geri Topfer, the Founder and Penni Feiner, Executive Director is amazing. To date, their organization has touched over 3,000 lives. Donations to this worthwhile cause provide programs to people who would not otherwise have access. Examples of what makes this charity so special is the work they do introducing Paterson, NJ students to the practice of yoga and offering free yoga classes to veterans of the armed services. We hope all EatSmart fans will offer their support to Kula for Karma by following EatSmart products on Twitter.

We will be donating 50 cents for every new Twitter follower during the month of September. (So spread the word!)

Click here and EatSmart will donate:

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If interested in submitting a charity for consideration, please email The donation amount will be capped at 500 new followers/likes.

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