January 23, 2024
Healthy Dessert Smoothie
To celebrate February's National Heart Month, we've "gone red" and created this heart healthy dessert. Replace the cheesecake with this tasty fruit filled smoothie or drink as a juice replacement at breakfast.
7-10 Strawberries
7-10 Red Grapes
4 Teaspoons of Pomegranates **
1 serving of Greek Yogurt - I used vanilla flavored.
1/4 Cup of Almond Milk or Water
Put all ingredients into a blender and mix until you reach desired texture. This only took about 30-45seconds in my Health Master Blender.
** Substitute the pomegranates for 7-10 raspberries, if you don't have or like pomegranates.
To impress, always garnish with a piece of fresh fruit. If you want to increase the nutritional value, throw in a handful of baby spinach. (We will save this recipe for St. Patrick's Day!) I topped it off with homemade whipped cream.
About the Author: Karen Welby is the Marketing Director at EatSmart Products and a Personal Trainer/Health Coach.