How to Make Your Own Green Smoothie
After indulging in the holidays, it's a great time to eat lighter and detox your body. If you are new to detoxing, one easy thing you can do is to start drinking green smoothies. They are healthy, easy, fast and great in place of breakfast, lunch ...
15 Easter Brunch Recipes
Easter is just a hop, skip and jump away! To help you celebrate and eat smart, we rounded up some...
11 Healthy and Refreshing Smoothie Recipes
On a warm summer morning, do you really want a hot breakfast? We didn't think so! The perfect alt...
Healthy 4th of July Recipe Round-Up
We have compiled red, white and blue 4th of July themed recipes that will have you feeling good a...
Quick and Healthy Breakfast Ideas for People On The Go
You know that breakfast is important but you’re short on time and just want to grab something qui...
St. Patrick's Day Recipe Round-Up
Everyone is Irish on St. Paddy’s Day, right? However, traditional Irish cuisine and beverages (ye...
5 Reasons Why Watermelon Is Wonderful
Watermelon. It’s refreshing, sweet, light and low calorie. This juicy fruit is an excellent after...
Kale, Blueberry, Chia Smoothie
Ingredients 1 cup kale ½ cup blueberries, dark cherries, açaí 1 frozen banana 1 tb chia...
Vegan Egg Nog
Do you love the flavors of the holiday season, but not the way you feel after indulging in heavy ...
Celery, Cucumber and Lime Juice
Just lately I have made the leap from the safe and reliable Carrot, Apple & Ginger, to trying...
Pumpkin Pie Smoothie
Guest Post by Janine McHale, owner of the blog, The Empowered Plate. Ingredients: 1/2 c canned o...
Blackberry Smoothie
Guest Post by Brittany Mullins, author of blog Eating Bird Food. Ingredients: 1 cup of fresh bla...
April is Alcohol Awareness Month – Are you aware of how many calories are in your drink?
Do you know that April is Alcohol Awareness Month? In 1987, the National Council on Alcohol and D...