Quick and Easy Quinoa Veggie Stir Fry with Ginger Sesame Tofu
If you’re the chef of your household, then you’ve probably had what I like to refer to as the weekday blues. Those days when you’ve just gotten home from work, want to make something delicious and healthy, but simply don’t have the energy to do so...
Last-Minute Thanksgiving Appetizer and Side Dish Recipes
Do you have to bring a side dish for Thanksgiving? Did you put off picking out your recipe until ...
Grilled Pasta and Vegetables
Grilled Pasta? Since you can grill just about anything- why not pasta? This recipe uses fresh pas...
Buffalo Chicken Stuffed Mushrooms
Substitute chicken wings for these buffalo chicken stuffed mushrooms! They make perfect appetizer...
Easy, No Cooking Required Summer Recipes
Summer days are meant for having fun, not slaving over a warm stove. When it’s just too hot to co...
Ground Turkey and Brown Rice Stuffed Peppers
With prep time under 20 minutes, this quick and easy meal is perfect throw together after a busy ...
15 Easter Brunch Recipes
Easter is just a hop, skip and jump away! To help you celebrate and eat smart, we rounded up some...
Quick and Easy One-Pot Recipes
Cooking dinner sounds less intimidating if you only have one dish to clean up afterwards. That's ...
Heart Healthy Honey Basil Fruit Salad
Here at EatSmart, we're continuing to celebrate Heart Health Month with another nutritious recipe...
Grilled Salmon with Avocado Salsa
Heart disease is the leading cause of death among both men and women in the United States. Eating...
Do-It-Yourself Edible Valentine's Day Gift Ideas
This Valentine’s Day, skip giving loved ones another tired box of heart shaped chocolates and sur...
Low-Carb Egg Muffins
Egg Muffins are a perfect breakfast for anyone who is "on-the-go." They are incredibly easy to ma...
Healthy Pumpkin Recipes
Are you obsessed with pumpkin spice lattes and other delicious pumpkin treats? We rounded up some...